

I am a second-year M.Sc. student at Osaka University, Japan and am project researcher at SANKEN, Osaka University. In a nutshell, I am interested in data mining of time series data. Specifically, my research topics are (RQ1) Stream processing and (RQ2) Causality. I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Yasushi Sakurai and Prof. Yasuko Matsubara at SANKEN. I recieved my B.Sc. degree from Osaka University advised by Prof. Makoto Onizuka in March, 2023. I am participating in Humanware Innovation Program to deepen my knowledge in other fields.
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  • I have completed my M.Sc. degree at Osaka University.
  • I have received the Osaka University Graduate School of Information Science and Technology Award.
  • I have received the DEIM2025 Student Presentation Award.
  • I have been selected for the JST BOOST Program.
  • Our paper has been accepted to KDD2025.
  • I have been preliminarily selected for the JSPS DC1 Research Fellowship.
  • I have received the IPSJ Yamashita SIG Research Award.
  • Our paper has been accepted to the PhD Consortium at KDD2024.
  • I have received the DEIM2024 Best Paper Award Runner-up.
  • Our paper has been accepted to IPSJ Transactions on Databases (TOD).
  • Our paper has been accepted to Astronomy and Computing.
  • I have completed my B.Sc. degree at Osaka University.
  • I have passed the selection exam for the Humanware Innovation Program.

#Grants & Awards


Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

Research Fellow DC1

SANKEN, Osaka University

Project researcher

School of Engineering, Osaka University

Teaching Assistant
Lessons: Exercises in Mathematical Analysis

Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University

Assistant in the detection of variable celestial objects

Nagase Co., Ltd.

Digital Technology Engineer


Ph.D. in Information Science

Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
Supervisor: Prof. Yasushi Sakurai

M.Sc. in Information Science

Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
Thesis: Stream Mining Time-evolving Causality for Time Series Forecasting
Supervisor: Prof. Yasushi Sakurai

B.Sc. in Engineering

Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
Thesis: Detection of Variable Celestial Objects using Machine Learning-based Periodic Analysis and Domain Knowledge
Supervisor: Prof. Makoto Onizuka

High School Diploma

Takarazuka Kita High School, Hyogo, Japan


  • Second-place award at the 2nd Recruit Programming Contest (PIGICON2023)
  • Participated in PAKDD2023 as volunteer
  • Developed online reservation app for local bakery (Pandacco) at Google Developer Student Clubs (GDSC) [link]